The Unveiling

I believe I write most times in the aesthetic enthusiasm category. When I write there is a message behind the words that I wish to share with my readers or class mates in this case. However, it will be from my experiences and point of view, pertaining to some incident that  may have recently occurred to me or from past experiences. Now if I were to write a book it would probably be more  of a means  to generate income or just for the pleasure having the opportunity to write for the public.

Writing for me is the same as singing. I do both of these to release emotions that are trapped inside me that needs to be voiced-whether bad or good- but in a constructive way. Why do I say in a constructive way? Well, because if it is bad thoughts that were caused by a bad situation, then everything I have to say is negative, and  it is best that it is not to be said out loud at all. Consequently,  I must release it in order for me to move pass it.  Now, on the other hand, When I am filled with love and joy and I feel the urge to write about it,  I may write a song or poem to express myself, even if it’s only with the atmosphere surrounding me, that one piece of paper holds my thoughts and secrets.  It is refreshing to put your thoughts on paper especially when the results are so incredible it can almost take flight off the pages. 

My writing is an expression that I use to share my beliefs,  feelings and experiences – with others or no one at all-  while getting others to recognize the lessons that are sure to follow from their own experiences in life.  

In Stanley Fish’s argument, I am utterly confused and do not know what to say. It is funny because I agree more with the comment that was posted By Ms. Aubrie, stating that “this is way over my head”, at the bottom of Professor Brookes blog, than either of them.  Making complete sentences is very important but the content and context is just as important. However, the main goal is to get your students mind stimulated where they will grow and expand their knowledge in the writing process and to be able to reach their audience.  

I have to say that my English professor, Ms. Jolemore, writing techniques are unique have worked really well for me. Your curriculums keep me interested and give me as a student options on what to write. We have to evaluate our reasoning, extend details and backgrounds on our writing assignments. Your writing techniques are very effective in my opinion.  In Mr. Fish’s column, he wrote that content is not of consequence. Well I definitely disagree with that. It is stated that the content and ideas are the heart of the paper. So basically if there is no content, the paper would not have meaning.

If I were to just keep writing sentences on a piece of paper, would it all make sense at the end of the day? Would it form an essay? No, it would be like free writing whatever came to mind.  It would need revision. It would need critiquing. There are changes that would have to be made in order to bring all the sentences together into a coherent essay. Can I take several sentences that pop into my head and make a paper out of it? Yes, but it would still take some form a writing technique and context in order to bring it all together. You can not make a paper with out content that will support your sentences and the process that it takes to make a proper paper.

Weblog 3

Posted on: July 3, 2009

In society of the twenty-first century you can not expect for people of this country to agree on the same reading literature as in the 1950’s. In Harold Bloom’s article he stated that the “distinguished contribution” award give to Stephen King, was not given to a worthy opponent. He also stated that we as a country, are debasing ( dumbing down) the reading literature of the early times in our culture. It was  also stated  that Stephen King and J.K. Rowling were not successful writers because of the type of literature they had written.  However, if  we look around, thing are changing in this country everyday.

Harold Bloom argument about this day and age writer’s is very biased.  I agree with Steven Almond to a certain extent when he says that Bloom is stuck in his Yale mentality, that this century’s writer’s are not good enough to receive these types of awards.  Half of the writer’s he has mentioned in this article I have never heard of. Just because we chose to read books of different caliber, does not mean we are illiterate. Every time I pick something to read it, I learn something new, whether it is a new word, or how a cop files his reports at the police station. It is all informative to me. Whether it is a history book or not should not be of consequence. It is the fact that I am stimulating my mind by learning new words and procedures through the material. I read somewhere, which at this time I can not remember, most people read poetry, romance novels, and magazines for enjoyment. I hate to say this but, I do not understand Shakespeare and I am 29 years old! It takes a translator just to decipher that stuff.

There are some people who love reading the books of the past centuries, but most of them are some how fascinated with the knowledge they receive from them that it will keep  them interested. It was stated  online statistics that 14 percent of grade school students read literature and five times as many in  the graduate school education. So it all really depends on the person and what type of material they like to read as a person.  It does not mean we are less cultured because we choose not to know all of our history in politics and social economy or read all of the older and infamous writers of a time passed. We have that choice as individuals to choose what reading materials interests us.> \

I sing to express myself. I sing to unstress myself. I sing encourage myself.  I sing to send God’s message to others. I sing to worship the Most High. I sing to give him praise. I sing when I don’t know which way to go. I sing to remember where I’m going in life. I sing to keep me focused. I sing instead of crying. I choose to sing instead of give up. I choose to sing when all hope seems gone. I sing to reaffirm my place in God. I sing to reassure myself that I made the right decisions. I sing to grow my talent. I sing to open the hearts of others. I sing to the glory of God. I sing for confidence. I sing for peace.  I sing when I have joy. I sing to find strength for the trials a head of me. I sing to keep the darkness and confusion of life at a distance. I sing myself to sleep at night. I sing when I open my eyes. I sing for comfort. I sing to be close to Him. I sing when I am angry.  I sing when all else fails. I sing for weddings. I sing to pour out my heartache. I sing to tell of my joy. I sing to tell of my sorrow. I sing to tell of my shortcomings. I sing to remind others that even though I have made mistakes, I am still lovable in God’s eyes.  I sing to encourage others. I sing to unburden myself. I sing for my victories. I sing for my failures. I sing to get back up and start again. I sing to the beat of my heart that continuously repeats the words: it’s not over until He says it over. I sing to overcome.  I sing for battle.  I sing for protection against the enemy that is constantly on me. Always waiting and lurking to get me. I sing to remember who I am.

Jermaine  and I had none each other since we were kids. His aunt married into my family, which in turn made him an ever present part of my life. Though we knew each other well, it all stopped there because we did not hang out with the same crowds. Jermaine is the father of my youngest son. We had been dating for almost ten years. Jermaine was a young 23 year old “thug”. He took care of his family most of the time. He grew up on the streets of Ocean View which is where he learned most of his knowledge on life. Up until that point he had not been in any kind of trouble. I was 26 years old at the time of this story. As for my upbringing, my mother was very strict. Not that I could not live as a teenager, but you did things her way or no way at all.  I was responsible,  my choices were always the sensible ones, and I stayed out of trouble. Maybe my life took the path that it did because I was sheltered from a lot of drama and things of the world , but it made me drawn to guys who were the opposite of my character: wild.

All situations happens in your life for a reason…….

It all begins on a beautiful summer night around 9:30 pm, on August 17, 2009, in our East Ocean View apartment. That night our apartment became a war zone. It is not that we did not have problems because we did. However, the problems seemed to magnify since I had become saved. There were too many obstacles and differences between us. We could not come to a compromise because I was not compromising on my beliefs. He wanted to get married to solve some of our problems. Consequently, I did not see that as the solution to anything. The children and I had just returned from  church service. It was not a coincidence that the message was on not letting others steal your joy.  As I walked into the  aparment I could see him sitting in the living room, just spoiling for a fight. The telephone rings.


It’s my oldest sons father. He speaks to both of our children while he is on the phone As the telephone conversation comes to a closure Jermaine, my sons name, says bye-bye daddy. And so the fight begins…. He starts sputtering, ” Did you hear that?! My son just called him daddy!”

So I say, ” Jermaine, he’s only three years old. He’s following after his older brother!” But the whole time I am thinking to myself  I am not going to let him steal my joy or for that matter, give him the satisfaction of fighting  with him.  So I just laughed it off. 

“Your making something out of nothing.”  Apparently he did not hear anything I said because he kept talking, “Didn’t I tell you not to let my son call him daddy!”

I say, “Okay Jermaine, I am not going to argue with you about this” and I walked into the bedroom with the kids. Now to back up this story for a minute, I had just prayed  the other night for clarity on whether I should marry Jermaine and that God reveal his real character to me. So As he gets angrier and angrier I receive the answer to my question: Should I marry him? No!  My children and I are in the bedroom watching cartoons ans we started to hear being broken. I can see into the living room because the bedroom door is open and it is not a  pretty sight!  His eyes are stormy  red and his silhouette looks big and menacing. He is pulling the computer apart and tossing it aside.  He storms into the kids bedroom and pull the plugs to the TV out without even unscrewing them.

” Nobody will watch TV since you won’t talk to me!”  He says. After nine years of bieng with the same person, I finally see him, the other him  and it scare me.  Not only me but my children as well. We left the house  for a couple of days to let things settle down. But I knew  then that once we came back home, that nothing would ever be the same again.

So in conclusion, something good  came out of my bad situation: I learned who the real Jermaine was and in the process I found out he was not the one for me before it was too late.

Weblog 1

Posted on: June 8, 2009

The Unveiling

What you see is not always what you will get. I chose this as my topic sentence for the simple fact that this is not always a true statement. Unveil means to reveal  or uncover ones true self . Just because someone is beautiful on the outside, does this mean that they are beautiful on the inside? Absolutely not!  There are  several  facets to uncover for every person you come in contact with. In order to get to know anyone you must first get past the physical outlook to look to the inner person. Some people do have the ability to see past the face mask we sometimes wear for others – the first impressions face- but not all people have the ability to discern the pretenders from the real right off hand. God Word’s says you will know people by their fruits – which means to know a person by their actions or the things they may say when responding to certain situations that occur in their life. This will definitely reveal a persons true character. So, before you give your verdict about someone, give them the benefit of the doubt by observing  their actions and reactions.

I am a beautiful, black, christian woman; however, there is more to me than my appearance.  I am not perfect – for that matter there is no one who is absolutely perfect. I am an easy going person and I try to follow the advice I give most of the time. Because of the path that I have chosen for my life,  my outlook on people and how I see them has changed. It is required of me to love all people I come in contact with, so my first impression of anyone will be the same.  Consequently, once I get to know a persons character, I will know how to react to their behavior (even if it ‘s  only through our writing). I am not saying that I will not associate with someone whose behavior is vulgar or inappropriate, but I may limit my involvements with them and love them from a distance.  You will always receive fair treatment from me even if our views are not the same.  As for me, you will learn that my behavior and attitude will be constant – unless I am not myself.  

In conclusion, get to know the inner man by taking time to let them express themselves. And as time goes by you will learn more of the person you have befriended through their life stories and writings.  When it is all said and done the inner man will have been unveiled.

It’s another Fabulous Monday Morning!

My Encouragement to You out there is this:

Be grateful to God for waking you up this morning ( because it could have been a whole lot worse)! Is everything functioning correctly in your body? A warm place to lay your head? Well then, you are definitely blessed.  (It could have been a whole lot worse)! Take a look around you and be thankful for the things that you do have right now instead of worrying of the things that you don’t.

C U L8tr.

Have a Happy Monday!

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